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Audiences vs. publics
12014-09-15T20:32:49-07:00Samantha Closef42637f3cf8f8e584095341d3b0809f178e3d4496103Glossary term for "audiences vs. publics"plain2014-10-14T08:54:33-07:00Samantha Closef42637f3cf8f8e584095341d3b0809f178e3d449Audiences are produced by acts of measurement, by the number of eyeballs attracted or in terms of the amount of money raised. Publics, on the other hand, actively direct attention onto messages they value: “a public not only offers attention, it calls for attention.” Publics, Sonia Livingstone (2006) tells us, are “held to be collectivities, more than the sum of their parts, while audiences by contrast are merely aggregates of individuals.” (Dayan/Livingstone)
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1media/wordle-themes.jpgmedia/wordle-themes.jpg2014-06-02T16:12:25-07:00Sangita Shresthova497a02d289c277275bc5ece441097deedf8135e7Glossary and Resources73image_header2015-07-09T10:43:05-07:00Sangita Shresthova497a02d289c277275bc5ece441097deedf8135e7