By Any Media Necessary webinar
The participants discussed the following framing questions during the webinar:
- What are your thoughts on the importance of integrating the following into the classroom: Peer-based learning, Media production, Popular culture, Storytelling?
- Do you think you’ve been successful in doing so? Why/why not? If so, do you think engaging in these practices empowered your students overall?
- Can you think of an example when you tied some of these themes/approaches to civic or political topics in your classrooms? What worked, what would you have done differently in retrospect?
- Drawing on your experiences in the MAPP summer workshop, how could you envision the scalar platform enabling you to integrate these elements and practices into the classroom?
- What are some of the challenges you have encountered when trying to implement these elements/practices in the classroom? Examples might include: lack of resources, your own level of knowledge when it comes to media or pop culture, lack of time, lack of school support, etc.