By Any Media Necessary: Mapping Youth and Participatory Politics


How can activists build a sustainable consensus amongst competing interests in their own ranks? If the new forms of activism depend on dispersed and decentralized networks that often bring together diverse sets of participants, they struggle then to reach basic agreements about the causes they pursue and the tactics they adopt. This lack of coherence in messaging or consensus in goals has been one of the sharpest critiques of the Occupy Wall Street movement, but it has been an issue with every other movement we’ve studied.

Real World Example

UStream services have intensified personal perspectives on major events by allowing live pedestrian perspectives. The channels are vital for broadcasting footage during major news outlet blackouts during protests and moments of police protest. They also provide and insider perspectives to those not associated or uneducated about particular groups and how they think. Often times the ustream narrates over the footage to explain context, perspective, and build consensus. This personalized representation can lead an investment in the individual and sometimes a fan base or trusting viewership online. The Oakland Occupy Live UStream channel provided insights into how the protesters engaged with teach other to reach agreement on process and action.

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