ImMEDIAte Justice
"Constantly, constantly there's a lack of resources in our communities. So it's really about figuring out how to tell our stories by any means necessary."
- Tani Ikeda, Making Your Story Webinar
ImMEDIAte Justice is a volunteer-led organization that teaches girls how to tell their own stories, particularly around sex education. Tani Ikeda and Sylvia Raskin co-founded ImMEDIAte Justice as a summer camp for girls in South Central Los Angeles in 2008, but the organization has grown tremendously and now holds camps and workshops all around the world. ImMEDIAte Justice emphasizes mentoring relationships between young women and media industry professionals. Their workshops aim to give youth, particularly girls, the media literacy skills to tell stories at various levels of production and to have confidence in speaking about sexuality and sex education.
Key Issues
ImMEDIAte Justice's main focus is on sex education and media literacy.
Key Projects