By Any Media Necessary: Mapping Youth and Participatory Politics

Center for Media Literacy (CML) Resources and Curricula

On this page, we feature three free curricular and educational resources provided by our partners at the Center for Media Literacy. There are many, many more resources for educators and students on their website, and the CML newsletterConnections, also features a wide range of timely and noteworthy topics and conversations. 
The Center for Media Literacy (CML) is an educational organization that provides leadership, public education, professional development, and educational resources nationally and internationally. Dedicated to promoting and supporting media literacy education as a framework for accessing, analyzing, evaluating, creating, and participating with media content, CML works to help citizens, especially the young, develop critical thinking and media production skills needed to live fully in the 21st century media culture. 
Teaching Democracy: A Media Literacy Approach 
Co-produced by CML and the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles, this curriculum begins with students posing a social problem of interest to them and then stimulates critical inquiry through an initial analysis. Students then engage intellectually with the subject matter and act upon it by creating a media product and presenting their production. 
Literacy for the 21st Century 
This short, online book provides an overview and orientation guide to media literacy education, focusing on critical thinking and creative communication. it also provides a concise overview of the Deconstruction pedagogy and CML's framework for employing it. 
Deconstruction and Construction 
This e-book provides a full rationale for and detailed discussion of the Deconstruction and Construction pedagogies, which can be emphasized to help students become efficient managers of information, wise consumers, responsible producers, and active and effective participants in today's global culture.