Spreading Your Story
The participants discussed the following questions during the webinar:
- Can you describe a successful example where your group helped to generate a story which mattered in terms of the larger conversations around your cause? What factors do you think contributed to that success?
- How do you try to make media that spreads? Do you try to take specific steps to help facilitate circulations? What are these steps?
- In what ways do you seek to inspire your community to help spread the story? How do you move the story beyond your own community and into a larger conversation?
- Do you have to dummy-down your message in order to make it spread virally?
- How do you define success for your campaign?
- People have argued that social media based activism sparks a superficial emotional response but does not result in deep, long-term commitments to a cause. What have you observed about people who first discovered your organization as a result of participating in some effort to spread a video or other message across the web?
Don’t have time to watch the full webinar? The MAPP team also published highlights from this series on Henry Jenkins’ blog, and key moments from Webinars 1 & 2 and Webinars 3 & 4.