Create a Civic Holiday By Any Media Necessary
- Marissa Kitazawa: independent documentary filmmaker and graphic artist
- Andrew Slack: founder of the Harry Potter Alliance
- Jared Novak: social worker
- Anthony D’Angelo: undergraduate student
- Initial Meeting: A Google + Hangout with all participants moderated by Program Specialist Alexandra Margolin during the first week of December to discuss parameters and brainstorm holiday ideas.
- Nomination Phase: A six-week period where all participants conceptualize and nominate a holiday of their choice in the medium of their choice (a song, a dance, picture, video, voice recording, etc). Nominations were sent to Alexandra who posted them to a private Wordpress site.
- Discussion Phase: A week-long period where participants view each other’s nominations on the private Wordpress site, comment, and discuss.
- Consensus: A second Google + Hangout where, as a group, participants decide on one holiday (or hybrid of holidays) to “celebrate” and brainstorm what such a celebration might look like.