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Making Your Story
12015-09-29T04:59:16-07:00Diana Lee0c994d7f9dc5ee78dc93d8c823c300c060b9c8906106plain2015-09-29T19:26:56-07:00Diana Lee0c994d7f9dc5ee78dc93d8c823c300c060b9c890Making Your Story was the second webinar in the Storytelling and Digital-Age Civics series, held on January 16, 2014. Moderator Derek Williams was joined by MAPP team member Gabriel Peters-Lazaro, Dorian Electra (musical artist), Tani Ikeda (imMEDIAte Justice Productions), Roxana Ayala (high school students), Uriel Gonzalez (high school student), Charlene Carruthers (Black Youth Project’s BYP100), Andy Warner (cartoonist), and Lauren Bird (Harry Potter Alliance) to discuss how to decide the best way to give shape to your story.