By Any Media Necessary: Mapping Youth and Participatory Politics

Andy Warner Comics

"I place great value on the immediate impact a piece has and the fact that it can make people think, make people reconsider their assumptions, and make people share it with their friends. I'm okay that a week later the hive mind has moved on."
-Andy Warner, "Making Your Story" Webinar 


Andy Warner is a San Francisco-based cartoonist and journalist. He uses both fiction and non-fiction genres to illustrate ----- and politically conscious storytelling. His comics have been published by Slate, American Public Media, Symbolia, KQED,, Generation Progress and The Cartoon Picayune.

Warner's non-fiction comics range from the informational "Brief history of Everyday Objects" to the more politically conscious "Poverty Line Problems," "Ballot Battles: The Voting Rights Act," and several focusing on issues and histories of Lebanon and Syria, most recently his Slate-published comic on the continuing Syrian refugee crisis, The Displaced.

Warner's work also includes his award-winning "The Man Who Built Beirut," "Squirrel," and "A Ghost." He is also co-founder of Irene, an art collective that puts out a self-titled comic anthology series. Check out the Irene blog and contributors list. Follow Andy Warner's tumbler and twitter for more comics.

Andy Warner Comics Media 

The Displaced

Contributed by Raffi Sarkissian

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