By Any Media Necessary: Mapping Youth and Participatory Politics

Black Youth Project


The Black Youth Project (BYP) started in 2004 as a national research project led by Principal Investigator Professor Cathy J. Cohen that examined the attitudes, resources and culture of African American youth. Since then, the BYP has grown into a multi-faceted online hub that houses resources, not just for scholars and researchers, but also for activists and news seekers. Today, BYP is driven by three guiding principles:
Learn more about those guiding principles here
A number of action projects have also grown out of BYP since its inception. Among them is the BYP100, a group of "100 black youth activists from across the country convened by the Black Youth Project to mobilize communities of color beyond electoral politics." Check out BYP's website, where you can learn about their research, action projects, and the BYP 100.  You can also learn more about BYP on Facebook.
"It is very important that the stories that we share are tied back to something that contributes to movement building"
-Charlene Carruthers, #BYP100, MAPP Making Your Story webinar
Contributed by Liana Gamber-Thompson on 5/10/14

BYP Media  

#BYP100 Response to George Zimmerman Acquittal 

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